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Need a website ? Confused how and where to start the process ?

I have tied up with some of the leading web consultants and web designers to take care of all aspects of building a website. We will register the domain, build the website, host it on the cloud in Europe, manage the licenses, take care of Daily/Weekly backups, manage security upgrades and maintain the website through the year. The pricing is simple and all-inclusive.

Here is a sample pricing for an small website of say, less then 5 pages.

Who has editing control of the website ?


You will have full editing rights to the website during the hosting period. You can change and add content as much as you want

What happens when the Yearly hosting expires ?

You renew just the hosting and continue to enjoy the same benefits as your original plan

Who Builds and Maintains the website ?

I have tied up with some of the best consultants in the web design and publishing space. I will be your point of contact to ensure that the website is executed to your safisfaction and will ensure quality control.

I'm not sure if my website will fit into 5 pages and if the plans above will work for me

Lets talk, please use the contact form below or call me. Its a fact that 90% of personal and small business websites don’t need more than 5 pages. And since I’m a freelancer, there are no hard and fast rules about anything except to enjoy my work and do my best to make my clients happy.

What are the Payment terms ?

We start by talking about what you need and come up with a basic framework and costing. Once we shake hands on the deal, 50% of the money is to be paid before the domain is registered and your website design starts. The remaining 50% is paid after your website is built and ready from my side. Small changes based on feedback can continue to happen for a few days after we launch.

Please be careful of signing up for new customer offers in various websites at ridiculously low prices. There is always a “special conditions apply” behind every offer and the truth is that all the advertised prices are for very short periods, the regular pricing kicks in after that. As your website and its complexity starts growing, you soon find that you are locked in.

There are various ways you get scammed if you dont understand the fine print


The regular price, which is much higher, kicks in after the offer period ends. And then it becomes a downward spiral as you start paying for basic stuff


Up-selling and hidden charges are regular. By the time your website is up for a year, you pay much more than what you signed up for initially


There is no customization of the plans and the plans are simply a all inclusive basket. Servers are shared and backups are not guaranteed when needed.


The visual builder and panels are nothing more than wrappers around wordpress. And just as complicated when you start configuring stuff

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